Friday, January 25, 2008

Twit History

Several months ago, at the persistent entreaty of the Reverend to give it a whirl, I joined Twitter. Twitter is the bastard child of a text message and a blog entry, with a limit of 140 characters per post and browser-optionality that extends to being able to post through IM or text message.

I thought I would hate it, but it turns out I'm a big fan. It provides just enough brevity and flexibility to be an exercise in the spirit of haiku and has a strict enough limit to both encourage eloquence and eliminate the intimidation to inaction stemming from white canvas anxiety.

It's most easily labeled a social-networking site because you can follow friends and be followed yourself and whatnot, but true to form I've not used it that way. Instead it has become for me an expressive tool to encourage creation and ideation.

Here's a tiny URL link to the first chronological page:

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